Snow Clearing in Vaughan

February 28, 2023


Did you know that the pile of snow left by a snowplow at the base of your driveway is called a “windrow?” And, did you know that the city of Vaughan is one of the few cities that offers windrow clearing to ALL of its residents? 🙌 While a few cities do offer this service, most times it is only available to eligible groups such as seniors or people with disabilities.

Due to limitations of the windrow clearing equipment, it can be difficult to remove the snow from the entire base of your driveway. It’s designed to remove enough for your car to get out and to give you a good start tackling the snow. How can you help? Remove any garbage cans, basketball nets, or cars that may be at the base of your driveway so windrow clearing crews can have easier access and do a better job.

Though they try to stay together, these machines move slower than snowplows and it can take a while for them to arrive after the snowplow has passed. So be patient, it’ll come, and you’ll be so thankful it did!

For more information, you can call the city at 905.832.2281 or visit this link for more information.

Yet another reason why it’s great to live in Vaughan!